Wednesday 25 November 2009

Music Video Research - Primary Research - Questionnaire

1. Which type of music video do you like best?
Live footage only/Storyt with actors only/Lip-syncing only/Live footage and story/Lip-syncing and story/Lip-syncing, story and live footage
2. What makes a music video special to you?
3. What kind of atmosphere for songs and videos do you like best?
Dreamy and romantic/Loud and full of attitude/Dark and sinister/Sweet and simple/Upbeat and energetic/Soft, slow and melancholy/other (please state)
4. What is your favourite music video and why?
5. What is your least favourite music video and why?
6. Do you think the music video is important when releasing a single?
7. When watching a music video, what do you tend to pay most attention to?
The actual song/the story/the actual actors and performers/other (please state)

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