Wednesday 25 November 2009

Questionnaire Results

My questionnaire was given to 10 people (my friends and family) who all have different tastes in music.

For question 1, the majority of answers was 'Lip-syncing and story', not many people require seeing live footage in a promotional video.

The answers for question 2 were varied but in general people want a good storyline that fits with the theme of the song and an interesting video.

The majority of answers for question 3 stated that they liked videos that were upbeat and energetic.

Naturally the answers for 4 and 5 were all different, but the reasons why they liked their favourite video were similar - because it's a good and interesting video, with a story that fits the song.

Most people said for question 6 that the video is usually important.

For the final question it is split between the story and the actual song that people pay most attention to when watching a music video.

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