Friday 18 December 2009



In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

We put in a lot of effort in order to make our product authentic and like a real media product. Simple things we did such as add logos and codes on the ancillary tasks help to add to this and the ways we used colour schemes and fonts, and how we edited the photos, helps to make them resemble real media products. For the main product, we think that the music video does resemble a proper music video, especially those of new bands, just to introduce the band and show their personalities. It challenges forms and conventions of real media products because some of the clips are not of the highest quality. Also we did not do lip-syncing or anything like dance routines. Overall I think that our media product does use forms and conventions of real media products, especially those from new, young bands, though there are some things we did differently that may challenge these forms and conventions.

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

We decided early on to use a consistent theme and colour scheme throughout the project. I believe that the combination is very effective. The costumes are very similar in both the photo shoot and the music video, and we think that the images we chose for the digipak and magazine advertisement are effective as they let the audience know what is expected from us, such as our personalities and the theme of the band, which are shown in the same way in the music video. It fits together nicely. Also the fact that we used the same location for both makes it consistent. Our intended theme was colourful, happy and young and for the video we wanted to do a relaxed, amateur style, which we think we succeeded in. Also in the video we are seen writing our ‘band names’ in the sand, and these are included in one of the images in the digipak, so this adds consistency in the style of the band. We are ultimately very happy with the combination of our main product and ancillary texts.

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

We have had feedback from various different people with similar results. There have been a lot of compliments; we were told that the clips fit well with the lyrics and it looks quite professional, and also that we have achieved the fun atmosphere that we were going for. They also liked the setting and costume we used and thought it fit well with our digipak and magazine advertisement. However, there were criticisms – several people told us we should have done lip-syncing. There are several reasons why we didn’t – I think that it would take away the casual, fun effect of the video and look quite forced and staged. Also, it is very time-consuming and difficult and we think that doing an amateur style improvised type of video it is ultimately more effective.

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

We used several different computer programs to create this project. We used fairly good quality digital cameras to take the photos and film the video and we are happy with the quality of our images and clips. For the planning, we started out using Microsoft Office OneNote, and then later switched to as this is easier to use and able to be accessed away from school. We have since used this. I used the internet to find secondary research such as images and to create my music video questionnaire (primary research) I simply used Microsoft Paint. In the construction of the digipak and magazine advertisement we used Adobe Photoshop and fonts from To edit the video itself we used the program iMovie on an Apple Macbook. Microsoft Word was also used for much of the writing involved. The editing of images and creation of the digipak was perhaps the most time-consuming, and creating the video was the most challenging, but it was an enjoyable task and I have definitely build my skills in using media technologies throughout this project. Overall we think that we used different media technologies well in the creation of this media product.

Audience feedback

We showed the video to several different people and all opinions were positive.
Common compliments: the shots work well in sync to the lyrics, the theme fits very well with the atmosphere of the song, it matches well with the ancillary products
Criticisms: Mixed reactions about repeating one of the clips, occasionally the quality of the shots were not perfect.

Overall we have positive audience feedback from classmates and other people.

Making the music video

The filming process was very successful. We spent several hours in the morning at the beach, using a digital camera and a tripod, and were able to get a number of clips. For several we improvised, and many were planned moves and actions to fit in with the song, for example the lyrics.
We were happy with the costumes and the conditions of the setting. Also the fact that the beach was so deserted was very good. Another advantage was that we met a friend on the beach who offered to be in the video, so we used him for a clip.

For the editing, we used a Macbook and the program 'iMovie'. We cut and moved around the clips until they synced the way we wanted with the background track. We decided to use a different version of the song (The 'Live Lounge' version) and are ultimately happy with our finished product. We intended for it to look friendly and with an amateur style as we are a 'new band' and think this works well.

Music Video Research

Alphabeat - 10,000 Nights of Thunder

I watched the promotional video of this song, which is the song that we created a video for, and I have several different opinions on it. It does include lip-syncing, which we did not to ( just the occasional bit). The band members are wearing outfits that match but are quite simple and we believe that our costume style is more fitting with the happy, carefree feel of the song.
The video is set indoors, in a place like a basement, with very simple props such as chairs. Ours is set outside, on the same beach we did the photoshoot. We tried to use the natural lighting to our advantage, and also used as many different aspects of the location that we could.
I like the way they have used camera shots and editing techniques in the video and we hope that ours is just as effective.
There is a fun atmosphere, but we believe that our video shows this a lot more.

Thursday 17 December 2009

Our Music Video

This is our finished music video.

Our Magazine Advertisement

Again we used Adobe Photoshop to create the magazine advert. We decided to use the same image from the front cover of the digipak and then extended it and added the advertising text and also details and logos to make it look more professional.

Magazine Advertisement Research

Magazine advertisements for CDs are usually simple. They are either an image of the CD itself with advertising text, or one large poster-like image.

Summary of the digipak

We are very pleased with our finished digipak.
We created the strip for the sides, with a matching title to the cover and a serial number to make it look more authentic. One of the pages shows all four of us with the 'band names' that we created - we used colour names in order to fit with our theme. We downloaded several handwriting style fonts from to write the signatures. We also blurred the lines on that image and this gives a better effect and makes it look more professional. We did this image in order to introduce the members as we are a new band.
For the back cover, we used Alpabeat's track listing and continued the same font theme and colour scheme as the cover and spine.
The other images we chose because they fit well with the theme and also fit into the space required for the digipak.
We think that it looks good and fits well with what we intend to do for the video.

The Other Digipak Pages

Making the Digipak

We used Adobe Photoshop and downloaded fonts from to make our digipak. We chose photos that fit the required size and shape of the digipak and are happy with our choices. We lowered the saturation of the background and increased slightly the contrast on our outfits to emphasise the bright colours. This is the result.

Photo Shoot

This is a selection of the photos we took. We believe that our friend did very well in taking the photos and we are happy with them.

Tuesday 1 December 2009


In my next entry I will post the photo shoot.
It took place at King Edmund's beach at Tynemouth. We were happy with our outfits and the weather was how we had hoped. The shoot was successful and we got good photos which we will use in the digipak. We plan to wear similar outfits in the actual video. Our friend Amy is going to come with us to take the pictures.

Decision for digipak

We have decided to do a photoshoot for the digipak, and we are doing it at a beach. We may write '10,000 nights of thunder' in the sand, and we plan to take a series of different pictures in different locations in and around the beach. We will be wearing bright colours and will make the background more dull so that we stand out more. We are going to be using Adobe Photoshop to then edit the images and create our digipak and magazine advertisement.

Ideas for digipak - draft

Friday 27 November 2009


- Drafts for digipak
- Photo shoot for digipak
- Chosen images + edited
- Chosen fonts and colour schemes
- Completed digipak


- Create magazine advertisement

Band Name

We decided to call our 'band' 'The Overtones'. We chose this name because of our theme of bright colours and happy, energetic songs -the name refers to bright colour and also it sounds catchy and confident.

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Costume Ideas

Digipak Costume Ideas

For our costume, we decided that something bright, colourful and eccentric would fit the atmosphere of the band and the song perfectly, and so we decided to use the unique fashions of Harajuku as inspiration. Harajuku is a place in Tokyo where Japanese youths go on weekends and dress up, and it is thought to be a form of rebellion against the fact that they wear a uniform all week at school and traditional Japanese clothing for special occasions, so they rarely have a chance to express their personalities. They wear bright, mismatched clothing and no 2 people look the same (and there are also several subfashions)

Song Lyrics

These are the lyrics for the song '10,000 nights of thunder' by Alphabeat, which we are using. We need to consider the lyrics in making the video so the storyline will fit with the song.


I was not looking for arty farty love

I wanted someone to love completely


More than weekly


I was looking for a decent boy

For a tender glance

For a safety dance


The wuthering heights and the stormy nights

You give me ten thousand nights of thunder

But I will give them all back to you 'cause you're so ooh

(Doo doo doo)

So ahh

(Doo doo doo)

So cool


You came like a thief in the night and stole my heart



Like a solitude erasure

Like an elevator


And I know we'd do anything for love


(Oh yeah]


And it is you and me




For all eternity


The wuthering heights and the stormy nights

You give me ten thousand nights of thunder

But I will give them all back to you 'cause you're so ooh

(Doo doo doo)

So ahh

(Doo doo doo)

So cool

(Baby you're so super)


(Ba ba di oh)

It feels like ten thousand nights of thunder when I spend one with you

You're so ooh

(Doo doo doo)

So ahh

(Doo doo doo)

So cool

(Baby you're so super)


(Ba ba di oh)



Baby you're irresistible and I'm insatiable









Love is an ocean of sweet emotion

(Sweet emotion]


You give me ten thousand nights of thunder

But I will give them all back to you 'cause you're so ooh

(Doo doo doo)

So ahh

(Doo doo doo)

So cool

(Baby you're so super)


(Ba ba di oh)

It feels like ten thousand nights of thunder when I spend one with you

You're so ooh

(Doo doo doo)

So ahh

(Doo doo doo)

So cool

(Baby you're so super)


(Ba ba di oh)

You give me ten thousand nights of thunder

But I will give them all back to you 'cause you're so ooh

(Doo doo doo)

So ahh

(Doo doo doo)

So cool

(Baby you're so super)


(Ba ba di oh)


Doo doo doo

Doo doo doo

Doo doo doo doo doo doo

You're so ooh

(You're so)

So ahh

(You're so)

So cool

(Baby you're so super)


(Ba ba di oh)

Doo doo doo

Doo doo doo

Doo doo doo doo doo doo

(Oh yeah)

You're so ooh

(You're so)

So ahh

(You're so)

So cool


(Baby you're)

Doo doo doo

(Oh yeah)

Doo doo doo


Doo doo doo doo doo doo

You're so ooh

(You're so)

So ahh

(You're so)

So cool




Doo doo doo

Doo doo doo

Doo doo doo doo doo doo

You're so ooh

So ahh

So cool

Doo doo doo

Doo doo doo

Doo doo doo doo doo doo


Group Change

At the end of the year, my partner Selene left the school to go to college, and I won't be continuing this work alone. I am moving into another group, who are also doing the music video, and will begin to contribute work to the new project. I am keeping this work that I've already done and moving on to the new group.

The group that I have joined has also been working on similar research and planning to me; I am not redoing the work as it is similar, though now I am doing a different song and video story. My digipak research and designs and questionnaire are still able to be used, but we won't be doing the website homepage, a magazine advertisement will be made.

The new group I am in has so far formed the basic ideas for the ancillary tasks and some for the main task of the music video itself. The song is by Alphabeat and the theme of the tasks is inspired by this group.

Digipak Layout Planning

Option 2

Digipak Layout Planning

Option 1:

CD/DVD Digipak Planning

  • Photo shoot - costume and makeup similar to the style we will use in the music video, and fits with the genre of the music.
  • Band logo will be designed by Selene
  • Track Listing and info about DVD
  • Choose style of digipak and layout - must match band website layout

  1. Track Listing (original)

  1. It's Ironic
  2. If I Die
  3. Only Hope
  4. Why
  5. Set Free
  6. Yesterday
  7. Can You Tell Me
  8. Hello
  9. Riot Police
  10. Taking Over (Alone)
  11. Beautiful
  12. Today
  13. DVD:

  14. Music video for 'Only Hope'
  15. Music Video for 'Riot Police'
  16. Music video for 'Hello'
  17. Exclusive behind the scenes footage from their world tour.

Questionnaire Results

My questionnaire was given to 10 people (my friends and family) who all have different tastes in music.

For question 1, the majority of answers was 'Lip-syncing and story', not many people require seeing live footage in a promotional video.

The answers for question 2 were varied but in general people want a good storyline that fits with the theme of the song and an interesting video.

The majority of answers for question 3 stated that they liked videos that were upbeat and energetic.

Naturally the answers for 4 and 5 were all different, but the reasons why they liked their favourite video were similar - because it's a good and interesting video, with a story that fits the song.

Most people said for question 6 that the video is usually important.

For the final question it is split between the story and the actual song that people pay most attention to when watching a music video.

Music Video Research - Primary Research - Questionnaire

1. Which type of music video do you like best?
Live footage only/Storyt with actors only/Lip-syncing only/Live footage and story/Lip-syncing and story/Lip-syncing, story and live footage
2. What makes a music video special to you?
3. What kind of atmosphere for songs and videos do you like best?
Dreamy and romantic/Loud and full of attitude/Dark and sinister/Sweet and simple/Upbeat and energetic/Soft, slow and melancholy/other (please state)
4. What is your favourite music video and why?
5. What is your least favourite music video and why?
6. Do you think the music video is important when releasing a single?
7. When watching a music video, what do you tend to pay most attention to?
The actual song/the story/the actual actors and performers/other (please state)

Website Homepage Research

CD and Digipak Research cont.